The Story: You are Commander Nicholas Fury. You had been recruited at the age of twenty to stand in the front lines in World War III. However, your strong ambitions and love for large vehicles drove you to the study of tanks and battle simulations. After a few years of fighting in the war, gaining experience and rank as you went along, your superior officer places you in command of two platoons that were to engage in combat with a large group of Nazi land troopers who were attempting to enter Denmark. You were to (and did) meet the land troopers in West Germany and destroy them. You readily accepted the assigment, known as "Operation Tank Splatter", and set out to combat with the enemy. As the battle wore on, many of your foot soldiers were overcome. Now, as you sit in your bunker, firing off round after round, you see your troops being torn apart by grenades and gunfire. As the last American tank rolls over the hill, an enemy soldier enters it and kills the driver. Jumping up from the protection of the bunker, you rush to the GS-257 Battle Tank "Devastator" and climb up the front end, punching, kicking, and shooting land troopers as you go. Lifting the hatch, you enter the Devastator and stuff a grenade down your adversary's pants, easily lifting him with one powerful arm and hurling him out of the open hatch. As you close the hatch and look out the bullet-proof window, you notice that you and one other are the only two left. Lieutenant Pete Fox is running toward you, his armored vest barely protecting him from the continuous gunfire that is exploding all around him. You leap up and open the hatch just as John dives through, closing it on his way down. You look at each other expressionlessly. "It's time to finish it," Pete says to you, his dull blue eyes studying your countless scars. The two of you take your places on either side of the tank - Pete at navigation, and you at the offensive post. This would be an easy battle to win if it weren't for those RU-90 Power Jets that flew in just moments ago. Armed to the teeth with an unlimited supply of ammo, you tear through the Nazis with ease and continue north where you find a platoon of camped soldiers. Firing your last TL-X guided missile, you manage to destroy the tent of the Nazi Commander and send soldiers scattering everywhere, weaponless and armorless. Your tank is powerful, but the RU-90 Power Jets were specially built to counter the Devastator. This may be a tough battle... -Kelby Adams